Power Management
March 21-25, 2016
UC Santa Cruz, California, USA |
DC-DC Converters, Topologies & Characteristics
Richard Redl, ELFI
Basic nonisolated dc/dc converter topologies, waveforms, and operating modes. Derivative nonisolated converters (two-switch buck-boost, SEPIC, Cuk, coupled-inductor buck). Isolated and multi-output converters. Synchronous rectification. Control techniques: single-loop (constant- frequency and variable-frequency voltage-mode control, voltage regulation without error amplifier), multiple-loop [constant-frequency and variable frequency current-mode control, feedforward control (input-voltage feedforward for line-transient rejection and for frequency stabilization, load-current feedforward), Vsquare control]. Control for improving efficiency at light load. Overload protection techniques.
Advanced Control Techniques for DC-DC Converters
Richard Redl, ELFI
Abstract to come.
Converter Modeling and Feedback Loop Design
Richard Redl, ELFI
Averaged small-signal and large-signal models (state-space averaging, direct circuit averaging, method of injected/absorbed currents). Transfer-function block models. Control-to-output and input-to-output transfer functions of voltage-mode-controlled and current-mode-controlled converters. The right-half-plane (RHP) zero. Fundamentals of stability analysis. Feedback loop design for phase/gain margin using the K factor. Practical design examples.
Fundamentals of Linear Regulators
Pavan K. Hanumolu, University of Illinois
Abstract to come.
LED Drivers Design
Pavan K. Hanumolu, University of Illinois
LED-based lighting is emerging as a preferred choice for both home/commercial lighting and in portable applications such as camera flash, display backlights in mobile phones, tablets, laptops. This tutorial focuses on design techniques for LED drivers geared specifically to battery-driven portable applications. Efficient DC-DC switching converter architectures to implement such LED drivers along with design examples will be presented.
Integrated Power Converters
Eduard Alarcon, Technical Univeristy of Catalunya
Review of control requirements / Voltage-mode and current-mode circuit techniques for analog controllers / IC architecture and block design details of analog controller for sliding-mode control, one-cycle control and neurofuzzy control/ Integration of PFM or pulse-skipping control for light-load efficiency improvements/ Description of several practical implementations of analog IC controllers / Digital versus analog control of switching power converters / IC architecture and block design details of digital PWM controller / design of A-D converters / Area and power efficient implementation of digital pulse width modulators (DPWM): hybrid and segmented architectures / Quantization and limit-cycle phenomena in digitally controlled switchers.
Controller Implementations
Eduard Alarcon, Technical Univeristy of Catalunya
Adaptive power supplies for RF power amplifiers/ Slow envelope tracking / Fast Envelope Elimination and Restoration (EER) technique / Specifications for EDGE, IS95 and 3GPP-WCDMA modulations / Adaptive voltage and threshold scaling for low-power microprocessor and DSP supply/ Description of several practical implementations of adaptive power management.
Battery Charging Techniques
Thomas Szepesi, PMChip
NiCad, NiMH, LiIOn, Li-Metal and Li-Polimer batteries and their properties. Charging and charge termination techniques for the different battery chemistries. Off-line, DC/DC and linear battery charger circuits.
System Level RF Power Management
Eduard Alarcon, Technical Univeristy of Catalunya
Abstract to come.
Nanopower Design Techniques and Efficient Energy Harvesting
Vadim Ivanov, Texas Instruments
This lecture covers power management of systems having long periods of idle time with very low power consumption alternated by active high power states, like systems with power harvesting. Circuit techniques used in ultra low power analog circuits applicable in power harvesting systems will be presented, including nanoampere biasing, voltage references with sub-volt supply, active rectifiers, comparators, oscillators and error amplifiers. Also covered design techniques and circuits of DC/DC converters, providing high efficiency at a wide range of loads down to the microampere range and battery chargers with maximum power point tracking and battery protection.
Circuit Techniques for Integrated Switching Regulators
Vadim Ivanov, Texas Instruments
Power switches: static and dynamic power loss, switch sizing, wire bonds and their inductance, parasitic vertical PNP and lateral NPN structures, substrate noise, signal grounding and isolation of the control circuitry. Switch Control: Low and high-side gate drivers, use of the bootstrap capacitors with charge regeneration, transfer of the control signal to the high-side. Low and high-side synchronous rectifiers: comparator design, minimization of delays, elimination of shoot-through currents. Feedback and frequency compensation: continuous and discontinuous operation, current and voltage mode; inductor current sensing with and without external elements; oscillator and PWM circuits; error amplifier.
Digitally Controlled DC-DC Converters
Pavan Hanumolu, University of Illinois
Digital control techniques offer flexibility, reduced sensitivity to component variations, and reconfigurability of DC-DC converters compared to their analog counterparts. The circuit- and system-level tradeoffs involved in the design of digitally-controlled switching converters will be discussed. Circuit techniques to implement analog-to-digital converters and digital PWM controllers will be presented.
Time-Based Control DC-DC Converters
Pavan K. Hanumolu, University of Illinois
Abstract to come.